3S LIFE SAFE AKADEMIE's Policies | lifesafeacademy

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Health & Safety


We at 3S LIFE SAFE AKADEMIE are committed to ensuring the Health and Safety of our Students, Learners, Employees & others.  Our Institute is committed to provide Safe environment to Students, Learners, Employees & others by:  

1. Providing guidance on safe working practices.  

2. Incorporating health and safety knowledge to all activities by the institution.  

3. Taking prompt & adequate measures to mitigate unacceptable risk & hazards.  

4. Taking all safety measures to prevent incidents, ill health & occupational hazards. 

5. By providing training time to time on health and safety to all concerned.  

6. Striving for a well organized infastructure and rproviding  resources to maintain a Safe and Healthy workplace. 

 7. Continual improvement in the Health and Safety Management Systems. 

 8. Any concerns about the Health and Safety should be directed and clarified by writing to  info@lifesafeacademy.com



We at 3S LIFE SAFE AKADEMIE are committed to ensure  equal opportunity in the employment for qualified person with  disabilities. 

1. Hiring procedures have been reviewed and provide meaningful employment to persons with disabilities with required welfare. 

2. Qualifies individuals with disabilities are entitled to equal pay and  other forms of compensations as well as in job assignments, classifications, organisation structures, position descriptions, lines of progression and seniority list. 

3. Leaves of absence are made available to employees on a equal basis, regardless of disability status. 

4. We are committed to not discriminating against any qualified employees or students because they are related to or associated with a person with disability. 

5. We will follow legal compliance that provides individual with  disabilities. 

6. Breaches to our disability policy will be regarded as misconduct  and could lead disciplinary proceedings. 

7. Any concerns about the Disability Policy should be directed and  clarified by writing to info @ lifesafeacademy.com

Complaints Policy & Procedures

We at 3S LIFE SAFE AKADEMIE are committed to dealing with all formal complaints in a fair and timely manner and to use them as an opportunity for making improvements. 

1. All complaints will be acknowledged in writing within 5-7 working days.

 2. Complaints will be investigated promptly and fairly with transparency. 

3. All complaints will be resolved and a written response shall be provided within 10- 1 5 working days 

4. In case of delay in response, 3S LIFE SAFE AKADEMIE  shall give in writing about the   reasons of delay with expected date of resolutions.

5. Students/ Learners May  write complaints       (if any) to course provider to info@lifesafeacademy.com

6. In case 3S LIFE SAFE AKADEMIE not satisfy in resolving the the sudent’s complaints, Students may write directly to NEBOSH at info@nebosh.org.uk

Equality & Diversity Policy

1. The purpose of this policy is to provide equality and diversity to all students, employee & others, irrespective of their gender, sex, ethnic origin, race, disability, age, nationality, national origin, sexuality, religion or belief, marital status and social class. 

2.We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. 

3. We do this by adhering to all equal opportunities legislation and ensuring that we are fair, objective, transparent and free from discrimination in all our systems, process, procedures, activities and decisions. 

4. Everyone, whether part time, full time or temporary, shall be treated fairly and equally and with respect. 

5. Everyone will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and talents and resources of workforce will be fully utilized to maximize the efficiency of the institution. 


A. Everyone is entitled to have working environment which promotes dignity and respect to all. 

B. No any form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated 

C. Breaches to our equality & diversity policy will be regarded as misconduct and could  lead to disciplinary proceedings. 

D. The policy will he monitored and reviewed periodically and annually 

We recognize that, the provision of equal opportunities in the workplace is not only good management practice, but also sound business sense. Our equality & diversity policy will help everyone who works for us to develop their potential and talents and resources of the workplace will be utilized fully to maximize the efficiency cif the institution. 

E.  Any concerns about the Equality and Diversity should be directed and clarified by  writing to info@lifesafeacademy.com

Data protection & Data Privacy Policy

1. The purpose of this policy is to provide equality and diversity to all students, employee & others, irrespective of their gender, sex, ethnic origin, race, disability, age, nationality, national origin, sexuality, religion or belief, marital status and social class. 

2.We oppose all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. 

3. We do this by adhering to all equal opportunities legislation and ensuring that we are fair, objective, transparent and free from discrimination in all our systems, process, procedures, activities and decisions. 

4. Everyone, whether part time, full time or temporary, shall be treated fairly and equally and with respect. 

5. Everyone will be helped and encouraged to develop their full potential and talents and resources of workforce will be fully utilized to maximize the efficiency of the institution. 


A. Everyone is entitled to have working environment which promotes dignity and respect to all. 

B. No any form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated 

C. Breaches to our equality & diversity policy will be regarded as misconduct and could  lead to disciplinary proceedings. 

D. The policy will he monitored and reviewed periodically and annually 

We recognize that, the provision of equal opportunities in the workplace is not only good management practice, but also sound business sense. Our equality & diversity policy will help everyone who works for us to develop their potential and talents and resources of the workplace will be utilized fully to maximize the efficiency cif the institution. 

E.  Any concerns about the Equality and Diversity should be directed and clarified by  writing to info@lifesafeacademy.com

Refund & Cancellation Policy

A.Course feesRefund policy (applicable only when total fees is remitted)

1. No any refund is applicable on partial payment or total course fees paid to the institution if the learner has attended the complete training session – Learner can opt the suitable examination in future

2. 20% Refund will be given once admission taken, Nebosh Registration done, attended the partial tutorials / full tutorials e-learning, platform created, study materials provided –Against Medical reasons (hospital admission proof with medical proof) – Applicable only up to 20 days prior to exam date

3.  50% Refund will be given within 7 days from the date admission taken, in the case of any medical emergency, mishap and learner has partially attended tutorials, e-learning, platform created, study materials provided willing to take refund.

B.Deferments Policy

1. After paying the total course fees, due to any medical emergencies / unavoidable circumstances, the learner can postpone his / her examination if informed to the learning partner with evidence prior to 15 days of the final NEBOSH Examination date. 

Malpractice Policy of NEBOSH

Following points must be read carefully to avoid imposition of sanctions and penalties by NEBOSH. We 3S LIFE SAFE AKADEMIE, follow the malpractice policies of NEBOSH without any changes. If any of following observation made and notified, students / learners will be considered under violation of Malpractice policy and they shall be imposed various sanctions and penalties by NEBOSH.  

 > The alteration or falsification of any document issued by NEBOSH, including certificates; 

> A breach of the instructions or advice of an invigilator, supervisor or NEBOSH in relation to the examination or assessment rules and regulations, as set out in the NEBOSH ‘Instructions for conducting examinations’ document and or additional NEBOSH guidance relevant to a particular qualification 

> Failing to abide by the conditions of supervision designed to maintain the security of the examinations or assessments

> Copying from another learner (including the use of ICT to do so) 

> Allowing work to he copied, eg posting on social networking sites prior to an examination/assessment; 

> The deliberate destruction of another learner’s work 

> Disruptive behavior in the examination room or during an assessment session (including the use of offensive language, shouting and/or aggressive behavior) 

> Exchanging, obtaining, receiving, passing on information (or the attempt to) that could be examination- related by means of talking, electronic, written or non-verbal communication 

> Making a false declaration of authenticity in relation to the authorship of controlled assessments 

> Allowing others to assist in the production of controlled assessments or assisting others in the production of controlled assessments; 

> Collusion working collaboratively with other learners beyond what is permitted (student should not let other people sec their work as this can lead to accusations of collusion)

> The misuse, or the attempted misuse, of examination and assessment materials and resources (eg exemplar materials)

> Being in possession of confidential material in advance of the examination  

> Inclusion of inappropriate, offensive, discriminatory or obscene material in assessment evidence 

> Impersonation: pretending to be someone else, arranging for another person to take one’s place in an  examination or an assessment; 

> Plagiarism: unacknowledged copying from published sources (including the internet) or incomplete referencing. A source is any resource that an individual uses to collect information — including text books, course notes. the internet and other people. An acknowledgement is a description of a source so that someone else can find it, along with an indication in an individual’s work of which information came from that source. It is important for students to understand that when they sign the declaration of authenticity they are confirming the work produced is their own and that they have correctly acknowledged any ideas or words belonging to another author

>Theft of another learner’s work; 

> Bringing into the examination room or assessment situation unauthorised material, for example: notes, study guides and personal organisers, own blank paper, programmable calculators, dictionaries (when prohibited), electronic devices, instruments that can capture a digital image, electronic dictionaries, translators, wordlists, glossaries, iPods, mobile phones, smart watches, MF3 players, pagers or other similar electronic devices 

> The unauthorised use of a memory stick where a learner uses a word processor

>soliciting controlled assessments, e.g. on social media

> Behaving in a manner so as to undermine the integrity of the examination.

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