Fire risk management | Fire and safety | 3S LIFE SAFE AKADEMIE

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Fire Risk Management is considered to be a part of Management process:

The principal of fire risk management can be classified in four board categories.

• Identification of Fire Risk

• Assessment/Evaluation of Fire Risk

• Reduction/Control of Fire Risk

• Transfer/Assuming of residual Risk


Component of fire risk management:

• Perceptive ability

• Sound Judgement

• Technical Knowledge

• Common sense

Please remember – what burns never returns – fire safety is everybody’s concern.


Classification of fire:

Class A:- Ordinary combustibles or fibrous material, such as wood, paper, cloth, and other carbonaceous material. WATER TYPE AND MECHANICAL FOAM TYPE FIRE EXTINGUISHER ARE USED.

Class B:- Flammable or combustible liquids such as petrol, kerosene, paint, paint thinners and solvents. Mechanical Foam ,Dry Chemical Powder, Carbon Dioxide type fire extinguishers are used.

Class C:- Gases in the compressed form, Energized electrical and electronic equipment, such as appliances, switches, panel boxes, motors, switch gears and power tools. Dry Chemical Powder ,Carbon Dioxide type fire extinguishers are used.

Class D:- Certain combustible metals such as magnesium, titanium, potassium and sodium. These metals burn at high temperatures and give off sufficient oxygen to support and sustain combustion. Dry Chemical Powder fire extinguishers are used.

Water has cooling extinguishing effect and other three have Smothering Extinguishing Effect.

Fire protection is not cheap! But neither is replacing your business! Sheer economics is the driving force behind fire prevention and control measures. 

An employee can help reduce the threat of fire to his workplace by following some basic fire-safe practices:

• Improve housekeeping practices in his working area. 

• Handle electricity safely. 

• Improper use of smoking materials is a major cause of fires. Avoid smoking 

• Repair holes in the walls or ceilings as soon as possible. Smoke and fire can swiftly spread through the smallest of openings. 

• Know the location of the nearest fire extinguisher. Learn how to use it. 

• Be familiar with the exits from your building. 

• PLAN AHEAD to avoid panic. 

• Practice your emergency plan on a regular basis.


Checklist for Home/Office Electrical Fires: 

1. Are your electrical appliances adequately earthed?

2. Do you connect only one electrical appliance to a single socket outlet at a time?

3. Do you switch off and remove the plug from the socket each time after using the appliance?

4. Are plug points adequately covered/blanked so that no body accidently poke their finger/pencils into the plug holes?


You should be able to answer “YES” to all the questions above;

If there are any “NOs”, take action right away to set matters right.

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