Foundations Of An Accident Proof Workplace | lifesafeacademy

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Foundations Of An Accident Proof Workplace

Posted on 1/6/2022 By FAROOQ

It is everyone’s business to maintain a safe workplace. However, emphasis is given on the responsibility of business owners to prioritise the safety, welfare, and health of their employees. Fortunately, every business owner can manage the safety of their employees in the same way they manage every other aspect of their business. Having said that, the following areas should serve as the foundation of a comprehensive safety system for every organization:

Management Commitment
Safety begins from the top management. The commitment and genuine interest of the management to keep the workplace free from potential hazards and risks is crucial in the creation and integration of safety policies in any workplace.

The top management should initiate the creation of safety policies. Clear policies should be made to ensure that safe work practices are applied in all levels of management. Recommendations from safety meetings group or safety committee should be incorporated into the proposed policy so as to ensure that it is comprehensive enough to cover all possible scenarios, incidents, and accidents.

All employees should be given a clear idea of the consequences of not maintaining their own safety and that of their colleagues. Management could strengthen the all employees’ accountability by:

– Creating disciplinary policies when expectations are not met.
– Holding supervisors and managers accountable for the safety of the people they manage.
– Holding appropriate authorities accountable for enforcing safety and health policies.
– Incorporating the safety responsibilities of each employee to their job descriptions as well as -performance evaluations.
– Establishing programs that recognise the individual contributions of employees to the safety efforts of the organization.

Employees are in direct contact with tools, equipment, machineries, and appliances that make them vulnerable at work. It is, thus, very important to directly involve them with the efforts to minimise workplace hazards, risk of injuries and of accidents. Construct a system that encourages employees to suggest safety polices or report hazards.

Surveys, inspections, job hazard analyses, and keeping tabs of accidents occurring in the workplace are just some of the most effective methods of identifying workplace accidents. these help not only un determining possible accidents that may occur in the workplace but also in preventing these from happening.

Hazard Control
Hazard control covers anything from integrating administrative and engineering controls to providing good housekeeping. These measures are aimed at minimising or controlling the chances of accidents happening.

Investigation of Accidents and Incidents
Investigation is a critical component of preventing workplace accidents from occurring. This allows proper authorities to eliminate the cause, and therefore, prevent the accident from happening or from happening again. Investigating incidents is also an important practice. No-fault incident reports should be filed so that close calls with accidents do not become actual accidents.

Safety Training
All employees have the right to know whether they are exposed to possible accidents or not. They should also be armed with information on how to respond depending on the accident. Drills, orientations, classroom sessions, as well as hands-on practice can give employees the training they need to respond well to incidents.

Safety Evaluation
Periodical assessment of the safety efforts of an organization makes it possible for the management to polish their safety policies. This practice also makes it very feasible for companies to enhance their safety policies.

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